2024 PBPA Membership Survey

The Permian Basin Petroleum Association strives to serve it's members effectively and provide relevant member benefits. This can be done increasingly better by receiving member feedback. Please complete this short survey to help us provide the most value for your membership.

Questions? Contact Christine Dooley, Membership Coordinator | christine@pbpa.info | 432-684-6345
Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

What is your PBPA membership level?

If known, where do the majority of your company’s operations/business occur?

Which category does your business fall under?

What is the primary reason for your PBPA membership?

In the past 2 years, which PBPA events have you attended? Please check all that apply.

Top Hand Award Banquet
Membership Luncheons
Spring Swing Golf Tournament
Clay Shoot
Annual Meeting

Do you or any of your employees participate in PBPA committees? (Committee service is available to members at the Wildcat level or higher.)

If so, what PBPA committees, do you participate in?

TX Legislative Committee
NM Legislative Committee
Regulatory Practices Committee
Electrical Coalition
Water Committee
HSE Committee
SHOC/ESA Committee

Where should PBPA focus its advocacy efforts?  Please select the top three (3) areas.

Texas Legislative Issues
New Mexico Legislative Issues
Federal Legislative Issues
Texas Regulatory Issues
New Mexico Regulatory Issues
Federal Regulatory Issues

What legislative or regulatory issues are most important to your company? Please select the top three (3) issues.

State Permitting
Federal Permitting
Water Recycle/Reuse
Electrical Service
Emissions Regulations
Waste Management

If you answered "Other" above, please indicate the issue not listed that is important to your company. 

What do you believe is the biggest challenge facing your company this year?

Please leave any suggestions you have for improving PBPA membership.

Please indicate below if you would like to be sent additional information about any of the following engagement opportunities.

Event Sponsorships
Committee Service
Membership Upgrade
Member-to-Member Advertising